Halloween Costumes

Kids’ Halloween costumes – ghouls, ghosts, witches and pumpkins for your little people.

Ghostly ghouls giving you a fright, wicked witches casting a spell to turn you in to a frog, scary skeletons rattling their bones … this is the stuff of every happy childhood memory!

As much a part of Autumn fun as back to school, kicking up leaves and bonfire night, Halloween is a bonafide (get it .. ‘bone’. Groan!), fully signed up feature of every kid’s ‘best and most fun’ events of the year list. After all, which self respecting kid doesn’t want to cover themselves in bog roll, drip red paint down their clothes and knock on strangers doors to ask for sweets?

So, Halloween, as we’ve established, is a childhood right of passage. And as adults then, it’s up to us to make it as gruesomely great, freakishly fun and terrifyingly terrific for those creepy little critters of ours. What better way to get the Halloween party started that with the latest themed kiddy costume?

We’ve done the Halloween homework for you and selected the most ghastly (and quite often cute!) Halloween outfits out there. Just add lashings of face paint, a spine tingling scream and you and your chilling children will be all set for Trick or Treating. Have a frighteningly fearsome time!

Showing 1–30 of 67 results

Showing 1–30 of 67 results