Spooky Hanging Ghost


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We all love our homes. They are a place of warmth and family, of nostalgia and hospitality. It is where our memories begin and continue to grow, fostering new experiences that will become new memories that we recall fondly and share with excited voices to the new generations. It is our heart and soul, where we feel most complete, and that is a truly splendid thing. Of course… it is really hard to let go of things that are that good. So, when “our time” comes and we are meant to move on to the next place… well, let’s just say that change can be really hard and saying goodbye to some amazing memories can be outright impossible!So, we’re not at all surprised that a number of ghastly souls like to hang around long, long after they should have departed. In times long ago, this was always a trouble for new residents (or even the family who was trying to deal with Great Grandpa Frankie still demanding that the TV was set to the oldies station). But, we are pretty skilled at teaching our departed some new and more useful skill sets for afterlife dwelling. So, we’re happy to help you out with your Spooky Hanging Ghost and ensure that they are at least bringing some clearly perceptible entertainment with their 7 foot tall mass of white mesh and smiling ghostly faces. Contact us soon so we can turn your freak outs into hangouts in no time!

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Seasons (HK) Ltd.