Ah, Dewbacks. The workhorses of the Empire. Er, well, the workhorses of the Imperial Ground Forces. Er… the workhorses of the Imperial Tatooine Deployment? We’re not sure why the Stormtroopers on Tatooine loved using these guys for work (since we’re sure they had access to speeders, and all) but insomuch as it matters, they’re using them!We only got a glimpse of this beast of burden in the original Star Wars release, but in subsequent special editions, we get to see these guys in action. Of course, there’s a stormtrooper on top, and he’s got a long prod, as he’s seemingly ready to go on an extended mission combing the desert for droid parts.Which brings us to why we’re here in the first place. You love Star Wars, and you’ve got a dog. Or cat. Or a very large iguana. Naturally, the only thing to do is to get them into the action! This costume is designed for pets, and features a green jacket to turn your furry friend into a dewback, and it comes with a plush Stormtrooper on top to complete the effect. It’s most assuredly the best way to get Fido in the Star Wars fun. (Disclaimer: We’ve never actually tried to dress an iguana up in a costume. Your mileage may vary.)