Yoda gonna Yoda. And what are you going to do? You’re probably going to try and get a little Yoda of your own! Whether it’s his funky backwards way of speaking or it’s all about that little walking stick that he likes to smack things with, Yoda is beloved by all Star Wars fans. At least all the fans who root for the light side of the force! But if you ever thought that it’s a real long shot to meet Yoda yourself, well, we’re here to let you know that it really ain’t such a stretch of the imagination. Because you have a candidate to become the next Yoda right in your own household. Yup, it’s your own kiddo!Any boy or girl will have a real great time becoming the Dagobah dwelling Yoda, and if they’re particularly spry, they can even practice their acrobatic lightsaber moves, too! Whatever kind of Star Wars adventure you have in mind, this costume will get your kid into the game. The plastic Yoda half mask and signature brown robe are they key pieces to this set, and will have your kid imparting Jedi wisdom in no time. “You must unlearn what you have learned.” Now that sounds just like something your little Yoda would say!