
Yoda Pet Fancy Dress Costume

£16.99 £8.99

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SKU: 2339301930593347 Category:


Your dog. Talk like Yoda, do they? Need this Star Wars Yoda Pet Costume, they do. Share their wisdom, they will. Do or do not pick up the poop–there is no try.Okay, so your pet might not have the skills or patience of a Jedi Master, and, if it’s not too morbid, they might not make it to 900. But you can try to make them ride on your back while you do flips, and they definitely can still help spread the attachment-free love of the Jedi Order by hanging out with you in this cool costume. (Seriously, if you think your dog loves you exclusively, let them off their leash in public–now that’s universal love, the kind Jedi are encouraged to feel.) It’s perfect for costume parties, making new nerd friends at the dog park, or your next Star Wars marathon.Do you ever feel like your dog is the real master around your house? “We’re not going on a walk today, I’m busy.” A knowing look from your pup and you’re out the door. Mace Windu knows how you feel. “We’re not going to train that kid, he’s dangerous.” Yoda raises his eyebrow, and suddenly the kid’s the Jedi poster boy. Yoda was supposed to retire! But then the investors in the new wing of the Temple got spooked if the great Master Yoda wasn’t in charge. He was just going to sit in on Council meetings for appearance’s sake and let Mace run the show, and now the old fogey’s got us training this troubled boy and going to war with this mysterious clone army at our back! If you love your dog but ever have the feeling like it’s leading you to some questionable life decisions, this Yoda Pet Costume will be perfect to belie the relationship. Just hope your dog doesn’t screw things up so badly it has to go hide on Dagobah for the rest of its life. If your dog gets wild and starts spinning around and jumping on the furniture, maybe it’s time to take the costume off for a while–no one liked that Yoda anyway.

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