Deluxe Dawn of Justice Batman Fancy Dress Costume for Boys


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Kids are constantly arguing age-old debates about which hero is the most powerful. It doesn’t even matter that they exist in the same realm, these days. Who’d win in a war between Superman and the Incredible Hulk? How about Superman versus Gandalf? Or Goku!? Oh, the endless debates and nuanced arguments that come out about the Man of Steel versus all of these agents with tremendous mutant powers or magical gifts can (and will) go on for decades to come. The thing is, the most popular debate is between a supernatural alien hero with powers that develop at the speed of plot versus a martial artist genius detective whose “powers” come down to the tech he can invent!More than that, we finally got close to an answer to the debate when the Dawn of Justice gave Bats a chance to save us all from the potential threat of a nigh-unstoppable god. Now, there’s always going to be the question of whether or not he would have actually won. The Boy Scout, of course, holds back because he’s not the type of guy to kill someone… but neither is Batman!All we can do at this point is continue the speculation, but we can at least cheer for our favored victor by showing off the colors. You can your tyke can do so with this Deluxe Dawn of Justice Batman costume. This cool deluxe jumpsuit will make your little crime fighter look as tough as Batman thanks to the printed armor details and padded muscles! The cape and Bat-mask cap will finish the transformation and make even Superman think twice before fighting your little action hero! Join in the fun with a costume in your size or hop into the Superman cape yourself. Just go easy on the kiddo… and don’t let your tyke surprise you with any tricks up their sleeves!

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Rubies Costume Co. Inc